As a big believer in native mobile content, I also still think that nothing beats the big-screen look when there's an epic story to tell. In my career, I've been lucky to document some amazing stories - Including my own feature documentary, distributed by Sundance Channel Global.
Role - Creative Director / Director (As shown)
M&S - The Arctic Fishermen (Creative Director)
Directed by the brilliant George Messa, we wanted to go beyond the traditional approach to content to take people into the world of these incredible fishermen... Often 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations who learn to respect and work in partnership with the sea.
Conran / Barbican - A City Within a City (Director + Writer)
Film commissioned for the visitor centre at the Barbican during the renovation of the 4th Tower by Conran + Partners - Designed to underline the commitment by Conran to be true and authentic to the origins of the iconic brutalist estate.
Nando's - Sun, Soil & Spirit (Writer + Creative Director)
Directed by the ever-energetic MJ Delaney and shot with emerging young creative talent in Mozambique, this cinema spot was part of the Nando's campaign to bring home their South African roots.
M&S - Bompas & Parr, Fruit Fantasia (Director + Writer)
A slightly more comedic form of epic - But any story that takes you from bumper cars, to the Sir John Soane Museum, being naked in a Russian Bath then throwing jelly - has got to be worth telling. This film is what happens when you get let loose with someone's imagination. Literally. Includes some fantastic anamorphic camera work by the equally imaginative Dave Miller.
VisitBritain - I Travel (Creative Director)
Directed by Chris Fowles, this is part of a suite of content telling the stories of Britain through the eyes of the people that live here. Discovery was a journey by photographer Rama Knight through the sights and sounds of Northern England and the Lake District. Showcasing the sense of adventure and appeal for all ages of these amazing landscapes.
M&S - The Table (Director + Writer)
Drawing on the jeopardy of TV shows such as Masterchef - This Edutainment content is nonetheless an epic piece of storytelling with great editing by Jake Mobbs.
Vegalta - Soccer, Tsunami and the Hope of a Nation (Director + Writer)
Feature documentary, shot and edited over four years following the 2011 Tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Telling the story of the non-conformist supporters of a local football team at the heart of the disaster, who took the only stand they could in the face of the disaster... To not lose until the city was rebuilt. Acquired by Sundance Channel Global, the film was shown in 16 countries including National TV in Japan and was screened at BAFTA.